Handling CSVs

May 22nd, 2022

Recently, I needed to create a large CSV. CSV is a format for storing data as a table which seperates each field with a comma and each row with a newline. For example a CSV file could look like this.


Pretty simple right? It is until you need a comma (or quote) within the field. To avoid the comma problem you can put all the fields in quotes like this.

"Bob","21","dog, parrot"

It is slightly more complicated, but not too bad. But wait, what if I have a quote inside the field? After a bit of searching I discovered that you can escape a double quote by using two double quotes. Like this.

"Bob ""The Coder""","21","dog, parrot"

Now we are done! We can store arbitrary text in each field but some escaping is required.

If you have a comment - email me at [email protected]

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